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Jess Niele

Jess or Messy Jessie as we like to call her is another day one member who has progressed on so many different levels. From muscle ups to squat PRs, I’m pretty sure she has PR’d just about everything. Sure she’s had her fair share of protein shake explosions or knocked the chalk bucket over once or twice but we still love her!!

As she tells it…

“I’ve always been pretty active especially in high school and then I tore my acl and kind of fell off the fit life in college. Simply cycling through machines in an over packed gym was not cutting it. But THEN I started hanging out  with Alyssa and followed her to a local gym down the street while we waited for Override to open up and I never looked back.”

“My favorite part of override is the sense of community and belonging you feel as soon as you walk through the doors. The high five from Nick, the “what’s up messy Jessie” from Marsh ,the head nod from Eric. I would say the people I’ve met at this gym turned into family and I’m thankful for all of them!”

“What has changed since joining? Definitely my mental health. No matter what, coming to class always picks me up! I come to the gym exhausted and usually half asleep and I leave feeling so refreshed and alive. Nothin’ like a nice CrossFit workout to wake ya right up!”

“My first PR that I was proud of was my 150 squat clean a couple years ago. I started out struggling to clean 65 lbs and here I am throwing around 150. I couldn’t believe how much I had grown in the gym in just a short amount of time. BUT my favorite PR is my muscle up.. only took me 3.5 years to get and I am currently working on my handstand walking. Let me tell you it’s a work in progress.”

“My favorite memory is hands down the override crew taking on Madison Wisconsin.”

2017 CrossFit games and our cancelled flight followed by a short 17 hour drive with 5 people crammed together in an UNDERSIZED SUV. With that being said we made it and had a great time and I wouldn’t change a thing. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we are cheering on some Override members at the Games!”

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